Turquía Citas solteras - Istanbul 34134, Istanbul - lvpretty

lvpretty tiene 59 años, mujer solo de Turquía y vive en Istanbul, Turquía.
lvpretty quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Istanbul - Turquía
I am always happy when my near and dear are with me, I am happy when they happy, I am happy when I have a good day, I smile in any weather, because I think there is no bed weather in any season, I smile watching some comedy TV program or some good movie, I smile receiving your letters, so, a lot of things can make me smile.
I like travelling, reading books, going to the cinema, theatre, going for a walk with friends! I adore dancing; and my hobby is lengthening nails! I love sport - I am engaged
Lo que espero del otro
I’m ready to be a wife and to be number one for my man, but I’m not ready to be just a lover and to be number two for the man. He must be good-looking and has tuneful voice and as for me the character is more important the appearance. He mustn`t have bad habits. Because I do not have any bad habits as well. I value such features of character such as generosity.

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